Chemistry offers a unique approach to quantum information science, whereby we can harness the atomistic precision inherent in synthetic chemistry to create structurally precise, reproducible, and tunable units. By harnessing this minute control over the chemical environment we can design systems wherein we control the distance between spin centers, their intrinsic environment and their extrinsic environment.
Specifically, this talk will focus on creating molecules that are analogues of NV centers which we dub molecular color centers. These molecules feature optical read-out of spin information and offer significant promise in the realm of sensing and potentially
Speaker's Bio
Danna Freedman is the F. G. Keyes Professor of Chemistry at MIT. She received her Undergraduate degree from Harvard University, and her Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley where she studied magnetic anisotropy in molecules. As a postdoc at MIT she engendered spin frustration in kagomé lattices to create quantum spin liquids. After completing her postdoctoral research at MIT, Danna moved to Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor, where she received tenure and was promoted to full professor. She recently moved to MIT as the F. G. Keyes Professor of Chemistry. Her laboratory’s research focuses on applying inorganic chemistry to address challenges in physics. Danna’s laboratory's research has been recognized by a number of awards including the ACS award in Pure Chemistry, the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, and an NSF CAREER award.